Financial planning


Wise Owl Accountants Financial Planner

Today, money management and investment is a full time occupation and financial planning has become an essential part of life and a Financial Planner is another professional person, who stands alongside Accountants, Solicitors and Stockbrokers.

Some Accountants are also Financial Planners and such a person is an added bonus as a good Accountant will have had detailed knowledge of a persons financial affairs over a long period of time, Wise Owl Accountants is such a person, an accountant with 35 years experience and a financial planner with 20 years experience.

Importance of financial planning

Why is financial planning so important to the average person? The advent of compulsory superannuation and the platform of all political parties to make people more responsible for funding their own retirement
More about Importance of financial planning

Let the buyer beware - Caveat emptor

Bigger and faster profits than real investments. Scams generally offer a higher return than genuine investments. Some offer 20% some offer 300%, it's too good to be true. By comparison over the years the Australian share market has average returns of about 8%.
More about Let the buyer beware

Why appoint Wise Owl Accountants as your Financial planner?

Wise Owl Accountants realises that no two people have identical needs and circumstances, so every financial plan is individually tailored to suit your personal needs.
More about Why appoint Wise Owl Accountants?

Financial services guide

A guide to our relationship with you and others. The financial services offered in this guide are offered by:
Wise Owl Accountants
More about Financial services guide

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